Now that Marshal is a little older, Father's day seems to be playing a bigger role in my life...and I'm not always sure what to do.
This year is special though. Marshal is being dedicated at church.
My church is wonderful. One thing they do that was foreign to me, but that I appreciate, is they do not baptize children until they are old enough to commit their lives to Christ on their own. They DO have a dedication service.
Marshal is nearly three and we still hadn't had him dedicated. I'm not sure why...maybe it was timing or God just deciding that we weren't really ready yet.
But this Father's Day Marshal is being dedicated at our church. Hubby took the day off work. Grandma Laura is attending (a miracle in itself) and aunt Jennifer is coming down too. It really is such a blessing.
From our church website:
"Child dedication at Life Pointe Church is a moment in time when, in the presence of the community of believers, parents vow to fulfill their God-given stewardship, to impress the commandments of God on their children’s hearts, to raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord. It is also a moment when the Life Pointe community makes a vow, to prayerfully and lovingly support parents in fulfilling the commitment they are making, by investment of time, talents and resources. To paraphrase a well-known saying, “It takes a church community to make a disciple.”
As such, child dedication is really parent dedication.So hubby and I are dedicating our son to the Lord on Father's day. My own spiritual walk has been growing and obviously God wanted to make sure I was in a good place before making this commitment.
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” —which is the first commandment with a promise — “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
Ephesians 6:1-4
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