Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Free Razors, Chocolate, and Gum, Oh My!

It only took me about 30 minutes to figure out my Sunday shopping trip. Luckily, Hip 2 Save had a perfect post for Walgreen's deals. For anyone who says they don't have time to coupon...I counter with sites like Hip 2 Save. When someone else does all the work for you, how can you not take advantage of the savings?

My out of pocket was approximately $9.00, give or take. I received $10 back in Walgreens Register Rewards.

The retail value of all items pictured is around $32. I got it all basically free *with the usual caveat that Register Rewards still have to be spent at Walgreens, but I'll use them to get other stuff for very little out of pocket.

I was pretty jazzed by this particular purchase. The gum was entirely free and the broth was $0.50 a can which is a good price and I use it a lot in the winter. The razor blades will be used when I can find a good deal on the actual razors (they were out) or I'll sell them at a garage sale. And the candy bars...won't last long in our house.

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