We left for the airport, driven by our personal cheufeur, my little brother, around 9 am. For a 12:30 flight. We live less than one hour from the airport. My mom really likes to be early.
Marshal could hardly contain his excitement as we got closer and closer. He was a little nervous going through the security section and ran through the xray machine thingy. Yes, ran. I was thankful for understanding TSA guards. lol He might not be able to get away with that when he's older.
Finally at the Airport...the excitement is hard to handle. |
My sweet baby boy insisted on helping me by rolling my bag all over the airport. And it isn't light weight. |
Escalators are SO fun! |
You didn't tell me we got to ride a TRAIN!!! |
We got to our assigned gate and found out we were reassigned to a new gate. Oh well. Trek over to the new gate. And look at all these people in matching uniforms. What nerds.
Oh wait, they're famous or something. I don't watch soccer. I don't like soccer. Even when my little boy is playing I'm not a big fan. These were apparently the "real" Sounders...our local Seattle team.
Gotta tell you...they get a lot worse treatment than the Seahawks. No plane of their own. No adoring fans trying to take photos. It was kind of funny. They were on our flight too! They sat in coach, all spread out in the back with us. Like the little people.
And they are YOUNG...some of them look like they're still in high school for pity's sake. My mom couldn't believe they were the real players. She thought maybe it was the B team. hahahaha
And many were very short...which doesn't surprise me because I always think of soccer players as small.
Apparently these are soccer players. |
Hey there's planes out there. |
It's really hard to wait for something as exciting as your first airplane ride. Marshal did great. We read a couple of books while we waited - and of course our flight was delayed so he had to muster up even more patience.
On the plane! |
Leaving the Earth! |
I wondered how Marshal would handle the take off. He did fairly well but we had to cuddle and cover his ears. It was so loud and he does not typically like very loud noises. Once we were up in the air he was not super impressed with the view and kept his shade down nearly the whole time.
Sadly, we had a small child sitting across the aisle from us who screamed for half the flight. SCREAMED. Not cried. Screamed bloody murder. Poor kid. I actually managed to tune it out fairly well but she did hit some high pitched screams that caused a jolt. I could tell the other passengers were getting frustrated and a little annoyed. But I felt bad for the mom and dad. There wasn't anything they could do. She was tired and flying isn't easy for kids. She looked like she was less than 2. She finally fell asleep and slept for the middle portion of the flight...but kept on where she left off after she woke up. I know the parents felt bad so as we were waiting to exit I told them it didn't bother me (which was true). I told the mom that I have a 7 month old at home so I'm used to screaming.
After we were all off the plane she found me again and thanked me for saying that to her. People don't give parents enough slack while traveling. I NEVER wanted to travel with Marshal until now.
I'm so cool.
We landed safely in Tucson and waited...and waited...and waited to get off the plane. Our seats were literally in the last row. So even more waiting for Marshal. His patience meter was wearing thin but he did amazingly well for a 4 year old.
As we went toward baggage we heard "MARSHAL LAWRENCE CASTO" being hollered. And there was nanny waiting for her boy. He was really excited. I was worried he'd do his shy bit but apparently being "raised" his first four years by her precludes all shyness.
He ran all over the airport and the car rental place, talking non stop.
Did you know there are cactus in Tucson. EVERYWHERE? I do. Because my four year old said every 10 seconds - Look mom, Cactus...there...look...mooommmmmm....cactus! He's very excited about the cactus.
It took awhile to get to the airport to nanny's house and Marshal got a nice little nap in. Tomorrow my mom and I hit the town for our first rock show. We may do two if we have time and aren't too exhausted.
I used to be able to bend that way. Poor tired traveler. |